It is well with my soul [menacingly]

I originally intended to start a public blog to document my chronic and recently worsening stomach issues (see: Hellish Allergies archive). However, we live in interesting times.

Last Friday, the Supreme Court struck down Roe v Wade. As I live in a state with trigger laws, abortion was immediately outlawed save in cases of obvious danger to the mother’s life. No other exceptions for incest or rape.

So far we won’t be prosecuted for traveling out of state to obtain these services, or for receiving abortifacient medication through the mail. I don’t know how long that’ll last.

There’s been a lot of talk from President Biden and Vice President Harris about pushing back against the ruling, but I don’t know how much of that will translate to action.

What does give me hope is a Louisiana judge blocking their trigger law, temporary as it is. What gives me hope is Gen Z doxxing the Supreme Court members responsible for this injustice, something I am so proud of them for. What gives me hope is seeing vets burn their uniforms and flags, calling this ruling the domestic threat they swore to protect the country from.

It keeps me from feeling alone in this fight, as I compile and pass along information. Someone is out there listening, showing up where and when I can’t.

… There are dark times ahead and I hope we’re all ready. Hell, I hope I’m wrong and that this injustice withers away with a whimper. But my momma named me after a prophet, and sadly the name’s been an apt one.

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